."Zettels Traum", illustrations

Illustrations of the eight chapters of Arno Schmidt book "Zettels Traum" from 1970

"The years collect within us, what we collect, we collect on scaps of paper. So in old age one become wise - and yet knows nothing."
"Fantasie is the only weapon against reality."  Arno Schmidt

"Das Schauerfeld, oder die Sprache von Tsalal",
mixed technique, 100x70 cm

"In Gesellschaft von Bäumen",
mixed technique, 100x70 cm

"Dän's Cottage",
mixed technique, 100x70 cm

"Die Geste des Großen Pun",
mixed technique, 100x70 cm

mixed technique, 100x70 cm

mixed technique, 100x70 cm

"The tw/oilit of the God/uts",
mixed technique, 100x70 cm

"The tw/oilit of the God/uts",

mixed technique, 100x70 cm

"Im Reiche der Neith",
mixed technique, 100x70 cm